Monday, 10 May 2010

Brilliant Brussels

Hello all (not that anyone is signed up to read this yet but hello all the same).

So I've started my first ever blog after contemplating it for a while and finally getting the internet back into my home.

I have been luck enough to visit Brussels this weekend and I am totally converted. It is an amazing city where you can't help but be inspired everywhere you look. I stumbled upon a shop which was like a little bit of junk shop heaven - Lucien Cravate.

If you ever get to go to Brussels I highly recommend a visit if you like retro/vintage objects, ceramics and accessories. Its only open Monday to Saturday 12pm to 6.30pm, I'll track down the address on my map and let you know.

There is also a fairly big flea market (address to follow) which had everything and anything - stag heads, stuffed emu's, clothes and a whole host of other objects of interest. I am now the proud owner of a lovely vase/jug made in West Germany, a small oil painting and a very eames era looking tin. I did fall in love with a mini piano and two stuffed deer heads (loved them and they kinda freaked me out too, I didn't dare ask the price as I was too sacred to take them on the Eurostar!). We went on Sunday and I think the prices were higher than had been reported from people who had been in the week. They do haggle especially when you screw your face up as much as I did...

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