It's been a bonanza of a weekend in the UK and after I got over the initial shock of having three whole days off work I decided to sort my stuff out. I love to collect, I can't help it but there comes a point where you look around and realise all the beautiful things are being suffocated by the nice things. The things you didn't need but couldn't leave behind because it's only 50p...
I re-decorated my kitchen last year and in the process lovingly cleaned and wrapped up all the objects that had collected on the shelves, windowsill, kitchen table. I hit a delay on painting the shelves and so didn't unpack. Yesterday I went into my spare room and found the boxes and with a mixture of delight and doom I realised I had re-filled the shelves, windowsill and kitchen table with new found objects... Unusual packets of food from my trip to Greece, 1960's shot glasses from the car boot, sugar dispenser's from a trip back home. Alongside two sets of cups and saucers, danish serving dishes, three glass vases rescued from my parents and a selection of crockery left by a stranger (which I had made into a little display). Enough I'm having a clear out...