Friday, 25 March 2011

Spring Clean

I got home Wednesday night and nearly every house on my street had piles of stuff discarded out front. I have no idea why but thought they looked kinda nice so I took some photo's.

I then raided my cellar and made my own pile of unwanted shit - 2 broken vacuum cleaners, an old office chair, over 10 cans of old paint, a bathroom cabinet etc. By the morning most of it had been taken away by people in the night, it was very strange especially as they even took the rusty cans of paint...

Thursday, 3 March 2011

The window cleaner and his old man dog...

Walking back to my friend's flat the other weekend and came across a carrier bag blasting out football commentary. 'easiest way to keep the radio dry' said the window cleaner who then told us we had good hearts and showed us how he cleans his dogs teeth everyday... I've re-named the dog Derek and he is in my top two favourite 'old man dogs'.